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Medical Insurance Procedures for International Students of School of International Education HEBUST

Medical Insurance Procedures for International Students of School of International Education HEBUST

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1、办理流程 (Procedure)

登陆 http://www.lxbx.net/进行网上办理;点击“留学生查询缴费”后在弹出 的页面输入护照号码(只需输入字母和数字,字母请大写,不要输入空格)。

You may purchase the medical insurance online: login in to http://www.lxbx.net/.

Click on the “International Student Inquiry and Payment” and enter the passport number on the pop-up page (only enter letters and numbers; please capitalize letters, do not enter spaces).

2、注意事项 (Notes)

(1) 新生入镜前需购买保险,入镜前未能购买的,入境后24小时内须购买,否则无法办理居留许可。在校生在保险到期前30天必须续购买保险,否则无法办理居留许可。

(1) Please note that new students without valid medical insurance are not allowed to apply the residence permit. You should buy the insurance before entry China, or you need to buy insurance within 24 hours after entering China. The students already in school, should renew the insurance 30 days ahead of insurance expiration.

(2) 缴费前请在上述网站认真阅读相关保险方案。

(2) Students should visit its website for more information about insurance premium, coverage, liabilities exemption and procedures for insurance claims.

(3) 保险期限:所有学生必须选择半年或一年的保险。保险费交至最新拟申请居留许可到期日

(3) Insurance period: all students are required to buy insurance for 6 months or 12 months. The insurance validity period must cover to the will-be residence permit application expiry date.

(4) 可使用支付宝、微信、银联卡进行网上支付,但请务必确保相关银行卡已开通网上支付业务。

4The payment may be completed online in the following ways: Union pay, Ali pay and Wechat ; please make sure the card in use provides relevant online payment service.

(5) 请妥善保留相关缴费凭证(可拍照留存),以备报到时查验。

(5) Please save all receipts (photograph can be taken for retention) for later verification.

(6) 关于保险内容如有疑问,请致电保险公司:4008105119

(6) Any inquiry about the insurance information, please call the insurance company: 4008105119.